
Passionate Advocates for Economic Viability

Visiting Southern (or Southside) Virginia was another educational experience for me. Growing up close to this region means I am familiar with the agriculture, but I was in for some surprises. I thought Megan, our fearless leader, set the stage well as we kicked off this trip in Danville by watching a video of August… Continue reading Passionate Advocates for Economic Viability

Education and Awareness, Legislation and Regulations, Seminars

Let me tell you a story…

Ah, Richmond. The capitol of Virginia; home of the oldest elected legislative body in the New World. Mother of Presidents (the state, that is). Steeped in history and tradition. It reminds me every time I go why I appreciate where I live…for a multitude of reasons. But I’m not a fan of politics; never have… Continue reading Let me tell you a story…

Class III, Global Agriculture, Seminars

Farming in S. Africa, A Different Reality

Farming. What do you think of? Amber waves of grain? OshKosh B’gosh overall-clad children rolling in hay? The pitchfork-in-hand puritanically dressed couple of Grant Wood’s American Gothic? A pastoral way of life? On a recent trip to South Africa, I learned farming had a different look. There, farming looked like 10-foot chain-link fences topped with… Continue reading Farming in S. Africa, A Different Reality

Class III, Seminars

A whirlwind tour of Northern VA agriculture and policy…

Our seminar began with tours of agricultural operations in Loudon County, a unique area where agriculture meets urban development. While this convergence can create many challenges for farmers, some have leveraged the opportunity for growth. Mary Ellen Taylor of Endless Summer Harvest has used her proximity to urban development to capture a niche market for… Continue reading A whirlwind tour of Northern VA agriculture and policy…