
Virginia Piedmont Agriculture, Such Wow

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ9jmWLlen0 The preeminent K-Pop series detailing a popular music group's move to the country, this gripping drama highlights a generation's view of the importance of agriculture. It also stole the name from the industry leading ag-news provider, found here. What does agriculture mean to the Virginia Pediment? I find agriculture in this central region of… Continue reading Virginia Piedmont Agriculture, Such Wow


Size Isn’t Everything, But It Sure Is Important

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4iNrHgLIAg Honky Tonk Freeway, the revolutionary film that started the '80s film renaissance, evokes the truly unique importance America imparts on wonderment and awe. Carefully depicting the beauty and class with which Florida has cultivated their own flair for exhibition, Honky Tonk Freeway sets the mood for any excursion into the Sunshine State. The agriculture… Continue reading Size Isn’t Everything, But It Sure Is Important

Education and Awareness, Environment and Sustainability, Legislation and Regulations

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel peckish.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DdR--F21Vk The ecological thriller, based upon the television series of the same name, explores the deep philosophical questions about how does life on the mainland impact coastal islands. Do we take for granted the environment we live in? Should our actions be taken with a thought to those who live offshore? Should we make the… Continue reading It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel peckish.

Legislation and Regulations

Being There, or Not to Be There, Depends On The Traffic

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOOghKacg40 “Being There” is a stirring film about the subtle wisdom growing plants generates and the value of that wisdom in the political landscape of Washington D.C. Of course that is not the description of the film that the creators intended, but that only proves my point of how the city can offer a myriad… Continue reading Being There, or Not to Be There, Depends On The Traffic


Dr. Straylove, or How I Came To Love The Ag Sub-Committee

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRpyjnWDLQs   Starring Kathleen Quinlan and Timothy Busfield, this in-depth disquisition on the mental state of urbanized feral cats provides the viewer with answers to our most fundamental question, "Are you willing to sacrifice your children to the roving clowder that lives near you?" As obscure as this may seem, or as simple as a… Continue reading Dr. Straylove, or How I Came To Love The Ag Sub-Committee


Can We Forget Hoboken?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIO53QPGGG0 The United States has a poultry problem, and the unheralded follow up to "A Christmas Story", Peter Billingsley provides us with but one of the many issues we have to face. Our most recent VALOR experience took us to the Shenandoah Valley, where we were given the opportunity to meet and discuss several issues… Continue reading Can We Forget Hoboken?


Hot Potato Issue

The sequel classic to Black Belt Jones inspired me while I was reminiscing over November's VALOR tours. If you have not had the pleasure of Jim Kelly's genre busting follow up, please have a quick taste now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRODUU5BCA In November we visited an equipment manufacturing firm supplying specialty harvesting equipment to the world for large… Continue reading Hot Potato Issue