Environment and Sustainability, Seminars, Water Quality

Seminar VII: Northern Neck & Tangier

Another great VALOR Class IV seminar to a part of VA that I rarely frequent, but oh so full of agriculture and history. The first stop of Seminar VII was Omega Protein. Before an outdoor tour of the plant and one of their fishing vessels, we watched an informative video explaining the multi-generational company Omega… Continue reading Seminar VII: Northern Neck & Tangier

Seminars, Uncategorized

Virginia Produce Company Inc: Seminar VI

Much thanks is given to Kevin Beamer and his family for VALOR Class IV's tour of Virginia Produce Company Inc in Hillsville, VA during our Southwest VA seminar. I enjoyed the tour through the processing and storage facility and learning about how VA Produce Co. works with both local growers in VA and growers across… Continue reading Virginia Produce Company Inc: Seminar VI

Education and Awareness, Seminars

SC & GA: A (Quick) Southern Summary

To summarize a week long trip from hundreds of pictures (I edited some 629 photos off my phone to 325 when I first got back) is not an easy feat. The statistics and stories shared by the folks who were gracious enough to host our VALOR cohort is still swirling in my head and in… Continue reading SC & GA: A (Quick) Southern Summary

Education and Awareness, Legislation and Regulations, Seminars

Let me tell you a story…

Ah, Richmond. The capitol of Virginia; home of the oldest elected legislative body in the New World. Mother of Presidents (the state, that is). Steeped in history and tradition. It reminds me every time I go why I appreciate where I live…for a multitude of reasons. But I’m not a fan of politics; never have… Continue reading Let me tell you a story…


Session III: Richmond, VFBF Media Training

On January 9th, VALOR fellows traveled to the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation (VFBF) headquarters in Richmond to participate in media training with Norm Hyde and Kathy Dixon. Kathy gave us an informative presentation about "Putting the 'Me' in Media" and how to best formulate and deliver the message we wish to convey in any media… Continue reading Session III: Richmond, VFBF Media Training